Osteopathy for babies
Sometimes babies that have had a tough time during the birth process show difficulties in settling, feeding and sleeping. They may dislike being held, cry a lot, or are unable to lie comfortably or turn their head fully.
Babies bodies are well designed for the rigours of the birth process, but on occasion the body’s adaptive powers are over-reached. This may be the case if the birth has been particularly long or difficult, or required the assistance of suction, forceps or a c-section delivery.
Some of these babies even suffer from constant infections throughout their childhood, difficulties with their concentration and emotional regulation.
Our Osteopaths have specialist skills in the treatment of babies and children. This is called Cranial Osteopathy. Cranial Osteopaths use gentle and specific assessment and treatment to gently restore the body to function. Our work may help to reduce episodes of illness and the need for medication. It also makes the babies more settled and happy. Please see our blog to learn more, and our testimonials section for some of the great results our babies have achieved.
Mum and Baby - New patients 1 hour and 20 minutes €120
Mum and Baby - Existing patients 1 hour €110
“Having experienced many positive outcomes from osteopathy sessions with the practice during my pregnancy, I did not hesitate to bring my newborn son to the practice when he experienced a number of issues following an assisted delivery. He mainly suffered from digestive issues and had a tendency to look to one side more than the other. He was also unsettled and had difficulties sleeping. Feeding time was an extremely stressful and painful time for both my baby and me, where he screamed through his bottle feeds, vomited, spit up and was difficult to wind.
From the moment I met Jennifer both my son and I felt at ease. Her approach is very gentle and my son was relaxed and content during treatments, often falling asleep! I looked forward to the sessions and after three treatments he was a much happier baby and I no longer feared feeding time. His reflux and digestive issues have improved and he has much more mobility in his neck. I would highly recommend Jennifer and I am so grateful to her for restoring the smiles to mum and baby. Thank you to all the practitioners and Regina the amazing receptionist at Alex Daly Osteopaths for your fantastic service!”
— Maria and baby Evan
“I have a 3-month old baby and she had a tendency to look to her left side more than the right and also had digestive issues after she moved from being breast-fed to bottle-feeding causing her discomfort and lack of sleep. She had three treatments and since then she is sleeping through the night and is a changed baby. Her temperament and sleep pattern have all settled down meaning that I get to have a happier baby and we can spend more quality time and fun time together. Since it was such a success for my daughter, I also had my own alignment checked and treated as I had discomfort in my pelvis since the birth and have got great relief from this discomfort after two treatments. I would highly recommend this to any woman after having a child both for mother and baby. I felt totally at ease during her treatments. I am so thankful for the transformation in my baby”.
— Jenn
“I suffered with pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy, having treatments with Jennifer saved me from so much pain and discomfort. I returned for a mother and baby treatment after birth and the treatments really helped with my recovery. My baby was quite stiff on one side after birth and after two treatments with Jennifer she had more mobility and seemed much more comfortable and content. I would highly recommend seeing Jennifer during pregnancy, postnatal and bringing baby along for a treatment. Treatments are so gentle and relaxing. I still visit Jennifer when I feel the need. I have recommended her to family and friends and they have all had positive experiences with her. Regina is also amazing, she is so friendly and helpful”.
— Nicole