Osteopathy Helps Digestive Function in Babies

Did you know a pre term baby is more likely to suffer from gastrointestinal disorders? Also, a study made on 350 babies over 3 years showed a significant improvement on the gastrointestinal function in babies receiving Osteopathic treatment. The symptoms evaluated were reflux, vomiting and constipation.
A 55% reduction of symptoms was directly associated with a very gentle osteopathic treatment!

A study by Clive Hayden in 2006 showed Osteopathy to be successful in the treatment of infantile colic (Hayden and Mullenger, 2006).

This study was based on 28 infants over a period of four weeks. They were split into two groups; one group receiving Osteopathic treatment, and the other forming the control group. The infants who received Osteopathic treatment showed a 63% reduction in crying and 11% increase in sleep, compared to only 23% reduction in crying and 2% increase in sleep in the control group.


How to Know if Your Baby Should Have an Osteopathic Check